Remote Work2024-09-03

How Asynchronous Work is Powering Collaborative Engineering Teams

What if asynchronous work didn’t have to feel so...disjointed? Learn how to bring cohesion and clarity to your engineering team’s asynchronous work efforts in this blog.
How Asynchronous Work Powers Collaborative Engineering Teams

The lines between asynchronous and collaborative work are increasingly blurring, especially as teams adopt hybrid and remote work models. Asynchronous work, with its flexibility and autonomy, allows team members to contribute at their own pace and on their own schedule. 

While the more traditional, real-time collaboration brings immediate feedback and spontaneous problem-solving to the table, engineering teams are more distributed now for various reasons. 

This becomes a problem statement as we want engineering teams to be more productive and involved without the benefit of face-to-face interactions. In our State of Engineering Productivity Report 2024, where we talked to over 200 engineering leaders around the world, we found that hybrid setups are now the toughest and most difficult to navigate.

Therefore in this blog, we'll delve into the nuances of these two workstyles and explore how to strike the perfect equilibrium for your engineering team.

So keep reading to learn how we can work on a balancing act!

The Perceived Challenges With Asynchronous Work

While asynchronous work allows individuals to be more productive by working when it suits them best, reducing the need to be constantly available and minimizing interruptions, it also comes with its own challenges. No strategy is completely foolproof, so let's address these potential issues upfront.

Relying too much on asynchronous work can sometimes slow down decision-making. There’s no technology that can fully replicate the rich, multi-dimensional experience of real in-person meetings. Without real-time discussions, the back-and-forth of emails or chat messages can extend conversations that could have been resolved quickly in a synchronous meeting.

Additionally, the lack of face-to-face interaction in an asynchronous setup can lead to feelings of isolation or disconnection from the team. Without the spontaneous exchanges that happen during synchronous collaboration, there’s a risk of losing the sense of camaraderie and shared purpose that drives team morale and productivity.

To balance these two approaches effectively, it’s important to be clear about why you're choosing the asynchronous route!

So let’s look at a scenario where an engineering team operates with the right mode for asynchronous work vs the wrong way. 

💡Additional Read: Expert Insights on Leading Remote/Hybrid Engineering Teams

The Right vs. Wrong Way to Approach Asynchronous Work: A Tale of Two Engineering Teams

To truly understand the impact of asynchronous work on your engineering team, let’s explore two scenarios—one where the engineering team falls into common pitfalls and the other engineering team that strikes the right balance between asynchronous and synchronous work seamlessly. 

Scenario 1: The Wrong Way to Approach Asynchronous Work 

An engineering team that adopts asynchronous standups the wrong way is the one that goes into it without a clear strategy or an action plan. 

How can you tell this?

Well, the writing is on the wall. This team lacks guidelines on response times, leading to delays as team members wait for days to receive critical feedback or updates. Their communication is often vague, with brief messages that omit important context.

They don’t use an engineering management platform, which could provide transparency in their workflows and keep the team aligned on what's happening regularly. Instead, they often resort to synchronous meetings to explain or justify blockers. This reactive approach turns tasks that should take hours into days-long struggles, with team members caught in endless Slack or Teams threads or constant calls just to resolve simple issues.

Even more concerning is the lack of urgency and shared responsibility, which a clear strategy typically instills. This leads to a drop in productivity and team morale. Without balancing asynchronous and synchronous collaboration, the team struggles to maintain momentum, and the lack of clear communication and regular sync points creates bottlenecks that slow progress and breed frustration.

The Key Takeaway

Looking at this engineering team, we can pinpoint three key mistakes they made when adopting an asynchronous work model:

  • Lack of response time guidelines leads to delays
  • Vague communication that creates confusion
  • The absence of transparency tools that force unnecessary, last-minute meetings

Now let’s look at the way an engineering team approaches asynchronous work the right way. 

💡Additional Read: How Do Async Stand-ups Work in a Remote Setup?

Scenario 2: The Right Way to Approach Asynchronous Work

In this scenario, this engineering team has adopted asynchronous work with clear intentionality and well-defined strategies.

Here, senior leadership has prioritized a dispersed team model, understanding that effective asynchronous work is key to this approach. There’s a clear intention and goal behind this setup, making sure that everyone is aligned from the start.

Hatica check-ins submission on Slack with work activity

The lines between asynchronous and collaborative work are increasingly blurring, especially as teams adopt hybrid and remote work models. Asynchronous work, with its flexibility and autonomy, allows team members to contribute at their own pace and on their own schedule. 

While the more traditional, real-time collaboration brings immediate feedback and spontaneous problem-solving to the table, engineering teams are more distributed now for various reasons. 

This becomes a problem statement as we want engineering teams to be more productive and involved without the benefit of face-to-face interactions. In our State of Engineering Productivity Report 2024, where we talked to over 200 engineering leaders around the world, we found that hybrid setups are now the toughest and most difficult to navigate.

Therefore in this blog, we'll delve into the nuances of these two workstyles and explore how to strike the perfect equilibrium for your engineering team.

So keep reading to learn how we can work on a balancing act!

The Perceived Challenges With Asynchronous Work

While asynchronous work allows individuals to be more productive by working when it suits them best, reducing the need to be constantly available and minimizing interruptions, it also comes with its own challenges. No strategy is completely foolproof, so let's address these potential issues upfront.

Relying too much on asynchronous work can sometimes slow down decision-making. There’s no technology that can fully replicate the rich, multi-dimensional experience of real in-person meetings. Without real-time discussions, the back-and-forth of emails or chat messages can extend conversations that could have been resolved quickly in a synchronous meeting.

Additionally, the lack of face-to-face interaction in an asynchronous setup can lead to feelings of isolation or disconnection from the team. Without the spontaneous exchanges that happen during synchronous collaboration, there’s a risk of losing the sense of camaraderie and shared purpose that drives team morale and productivity.

To balance these two approaches effectively, it’s important to be clear about why you're choosing the asynchronous route!

So let’s look at a scenario where an engineering team operates with the right mode for asynchronous work vs the wrong way. 

💡Additional Read: Expert Insights on Leading Remote/Hybrid Engineering Teams

The Right vs. Wrong Way to Approach Asynchronous Work: A Tale of Two Engineering Teams

To truly understand the impact of asynchronous work on your engineering team, let’s explore two scenarios—one where the engineering team falls into common pitfalls and the other engineering team that strikes the right balance between asynchronous and synchronous work seamlessly. 

Scenario 1: The Wrong Way to Approach Asynchronous Work 

An engineering team that adopts asynchronous standups the wrong way is the one that goes into it without a clear strategy or an action plan. 

How can you tell this?

Well, the writing is on the wall. This team lacks guidelines on response times, leading to delays as team members wait for days to receive critical feedback or updates. Their communication is often vague, with brief messages that omit important context.

They don’t use an engineering management platform, which could provide transparency in their workflows and keep the team aligned on what's happening regularly. Instead, they often resort to synchronous meetings to explain or justify blockers. This reactive approach turns tasks that should take hours into days-long struggles, with team members caught in endless Slack or Teams threads or constant calls just to resolve simple issues.

Even more concerning is the lack of urgency and shared responsibility, which a clear strategy typically instills. This leads to a drop in productivity and team morale. Without balancing asynchronous and synchronous collaboration, the team struggles to maintain momentum, and the lack of clear communication and regular sync points creates bottlenecks that slow progress and breed frustration.

The Key Takeaway

Looking at this engineering team, we can pinpoint three key mistakes they made when adopting an asynchronous work model:

  • Lack of response time guidelines leads to delays
  • Vague communication that creates confusion
  • The absence of transparency tools that force unnecessary, last-minute meetings

Now let’s look at the way an engineering team approaches asynchronous work the right way. 

💡Additional ReadHow Do Async Stand-ups Work in a Remote Setup?

Scenario 2: The Right Way to Approach Asynchronous Work

In this scenario, this engineering team has adopted asynchronous work with clear intentionality and well-defined strategies.

Here, senior leadership has prioritized a dispersed team model, understanding that effective asynchronous work is key to this approach. There’s a clear intention and goal behind this setup, making sure that everyone is aligned from the start.

Right Vs Wrong Way to Approach Asynchronous Work

Measuring the Success of Asynchronous Work

We’ve covered how to successfully incorporate asynchronous standups for your software engineering teams in this blog so do give it a read. 

However, one aspect that truly gets missed or overlooked is giving this framework its own time for a quarter or a significant trial period, seeing its impact, and then making a concrete decision.

For a period of time, you can check key performance indicators (KPIs) such as the quality of work laid out by your engineering team, response times, and other insights to help you gain valuable insights into the success of your asynchronous work strategy.

Let’s get a little deeper into this.

1. Quality of Work

Quality of work is a crucial metric for evaluating the success of asynchronous work. Even when team members aren’t working side by side, the standard of deliverables should stay consistently high. This means keeping an eye on how often bugs crop up, how clear and thoughtful the code is, and whether the solutions your team develops are still hitting the mark.

Pay close attention to these aspects—if the quality remains strong, it’s a clear sign that your team is focused and engaged, even without the usual face-to-face check-ins. However, if you notice a drop in quality, it might be time to revisit how tasks are communicated and ensure everyone has the resources they need to succeed.

By monitoring the quality of work, you can ensure that asynchronous work doesn’t just keep things moving but actually empowers your engineering team to produce their best work, no matter where or when they’re doing it.

2. Response Times

Monitoring response times is another crucial aspect of measuring the success of asynchronous work. This involves tracking how quickly team members respond to messages, code reviews, and other critical interactions.

This does not mean your engineering team has to be present 24/7 (and promote an always-on culture) to respond to messages as and when they come, but within your engineering team’s peak productive hours efficient response times indicate that everyone is effectively managing their communication. On the flip side, prolonged response times might suggest a need for clearer guidelines or improved communication channels. By analyzing response time data, you can identify areas where the team might need additional support or structure.

3. Engineering Team Satisfaction

Beyond productivity and efficiency, it's important to consider team satisfaction as a measure of success. A successful asynchronous work strategy should contribute to a positive work experience for the team.

Regular surveys or feedback sessions can provide insights into how team members feel about working asynchronously. High satisfaction levels indicate that the team is comfortable with the autonomy and flexibility that asynchronous work offers. This data is invaluable in understanding the human impact of your collaboration strategy.

How Asynchronous Work is Shaping the Future of Engineering Teams

Asynchronous work is quickly becoming a core element of how modern engineering teams work. The ability to collaborate flexibly, across different time zones, and with a focus on getting results rather than being constantly available is changing how teams operate and what they prioritize.

By tracking and improving how we work asynchronously, we can create stronger, more adaptable teams that are ready to face the challenges of the future. Embracing this approach isn’t just about keeping up with current trends; it’s about preparing our teams for the evolving nature of work. Asynchronous work allows engineering teams to succeed in a world that increasingly values flexibility, independence, and efficiency.

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Table of Contents
  • The Perceived Challenges With Asynchronous Work
  • The Right vs. Wrong Way to Approach Asynchronous Work: A Tale of Two Engineering Teams
  • Scenario 1: The Wrong Way to Approach Asynchronous Work 
  • The Key Takeaway
  • Scenario 2: The Right Way to Approach Asynchronous Work
  • The Perceived Challenges With Asynchronous Work
  • The Right vs. Wrong Way to Approach Asynchronous Work: A Tale of Two Engineering Teams
  • Scenario 1: The Wrong Way to Approach Asynchronous Work 
  • The Key Takeaway
  • Scenario 2: The Right Way to Approach Asynchronous Work
  • Measuring the Success of Asynchronous Work
  • 1. Quality of Work
  • 2. Response Times
  • 3. Engineering Team Satisfaction
  • How Asynchronous Work is Shaping the Future of Engineering Teams

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