
GitHub Vs. Bitbucket: Which Code Hosting Platform is Best?

Bitbucket vs. GitHub: A Comprehensive Guide on two most popular Version Control and code hosting platforms. Compare Features, Prices, and Integrations.
Bitbucket vs GitHub

Version control and code hosting platforms are essential tools for software development teams, as they allow developers to collaborate on code, track changes, and manage different versions of a project. Bitbucket and GitHub are two of the most popular platforms in this category, and they have been widely adopted by developers and organizations worldwide.

Both platforms have their own unique features and capabilities, making it difficult to determine which one is the best option for a particular team or project. In this article, we will compare Bitbucket and GitHub in terms of their features, pricing, and user interface to help you make an informed decision.

What is Bitbucket?


Bitbucket is a web-based version control and code hosting platform that is owned and operated by Atlassian, the company behind JIRA and Confluence. Bitbucket is designed for use by teams and organizations, and it allows for collaboration and code review. It also supports both Git and Mercurial version control systems.

Because Bitbucket is an Atlassian product, you get an appealing interface right away. A significant feature of Bitbucket is its support for VCS (Version Control System). It also handles workflow management, access control and rest API integration.

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What is GitHub?


GitHub, on the other hand, is a web-based platform that is owned by Microsoft. GitHub is widely used by individual developers, open-source projects, and teams of all sizes. GitHub uses the Git version control system and is the largest code host, with over 100 million repositories of code. It only supports Git, which is the most commonly used VCS.

Why Choosing the Right Code Hosting Platforms is Important for Developers?

Choosing the right code hosting platform is crucial for developers. It's like picking the right toolbox for a carpenter. These platforms provide a space for developers to work together, track changes in their code, and ensure it's safe. They also help automate tasks and support collaboration, making projects run smoothly. Plus, a good platform fits your budget and grows with your project, ensuring it's accessible and secure. Making the right choice is like building a solid foundation for your software project's success.

In simple terms, it's essential because it's where developers store and manage their code, making it easy to work together and keep everything organized. It's like a digital workshop where they build and improve their software. So, picking the right one ensures a smoother and safer development journey, saving time and effort.

Now let's take a look at a full comparison of Bitbucket vs. GitHub

Bitbucket vs. GitHub: What are the Similarities

Comparison of features in Bitbucket and GitHub is a crucial aspect when deciding on which platform to use for a software development project. Both Bitbucket and GitHub offer a wide range of features that are designed to make software development more efficient and collaborative.

1. Code review and collaboration tools

Both GitHub and Bitbucket offer pull requests and merge checks, which allow developers to collaborate on code and review changes before they are merged into the main branch.

2. Version control systems support

Bitbucket used to support both Git and Mercurial version control systems, allowing developers to choose the system they are most comfortable with. But in 2020 Bitbucket ended its support with mercurial. Now both Bitbucket and GitHub natively only support Git as its VCS.

3. UI and command-line interfaces

Both platforms offer web-based and command-line interfaces, making it easy to access and manage code from anywhere. Bitbucket has a more streamlined UI that focuses on the essentials of code management, such as source code, commits, and pull requests. GitHub, on the other hand, has a more complex UI that is optimized for social coding. The layout is more cluttered, with more emphasis on community features such as forks, stars, and followers. Since GitHub’s interface is simple enough to use by new coders, even novices can make use of Git. 

4. Issue tracking

Both Bitbucket and GitHub have built-in issue-tracking tools that allow developers to track and manage bugs and issues. Bitbucket has JIRA integration and Github has built-in issue-tracking tools.

5. Documentation

Bitbucket has built-in Confluence integration for documentation, making it easy for teams to collaborate on documentation and knowledge management. GitHub does not have this feature.

6. Access Control

Bitbucket offers more granular control over who can access and make changes to a project, which makes it a good option for organizations that have strict security and compliance requirements. GitHub offers more flexibility in terms of collaboration and open-source development.

7. Community and ecosystem

GitHub has a large and active community of developers and users, which makes it a great platform for open-source projects and individual developers. Additionally, GitHub has a wide range of integrations and add-ons available through the GitHub Marketplace. Bitbucket, on the other hand, does not have as large of a community as GitHub. And often only Business and enterprise teams use Bitbucket.

8. Code Insights

Both GitHub and Bitbucket provide code insights, which give developers an overview of their code, including the number of lines of code, the number of commits, and the number of contributors.

9. Direct Integration

Bitbucket offers direct integration with other Atlassian tools such as JIRA and Confluence, which allows for seamless collaboration and streamlined workflow across different stages of the development process. Some direct integrations available for Bitbucket are Jira, Bamboo, Crucible, and JenkinsExternal.

GitHub does not have direct integration with many common tools, but it has a wide range of integrations and add-ons available through the GitHub Marketplace, which allows developers to customize and extend the platform to suit specific needs. But still, Github has some direct integration available i.e. Zendesk, Azure, Cloudbees, Google Cloud, Amazon, Code Climate, and Heroku.

10. Automation

Both GitHub and Bitbucket offer automation tools such as webhooks, APIs, and integrations with other tools that allow developers to automate repetitive tasks and streamline their workflow.

When it comes to Bitbucket vs. GitHub, understanding its pricing structures is crucial for making informed decisions. Bitbucket & GitHub offers a range of plans, each tailored to specific needs and budgets.

GitHub Vs. Bitbucket: What are the Differences

When it comes to choosing between Bitbucket and GitHub, understanding their differences is crucial. While both are popular version control and code hosting platforms, they have distinct features and characteristics that may influence your decision.

Ownership and Ecosystem

Bitbucket: Owned by Atlassian, Bitbucket integrates seamlessly with other Atlassian products like Jira and Confluence, providing a comprehensive ecosystem for software development and project management. This makes it an excellent choice for organizations already using Atlassian tools.

GitHub: Owned by Microsoft, GitHub has its ecosystem of integrations and a vast community. It excels in open-source projects and offers various third-party integrations through the GitHub Marketplace.

Version Control System (VCS) Support

Bitbucket: While Bitbucket initially supported both Git and Mercurial, it discontinued It in 2020. It now exclusively supports Git as its VCS.

GitHub: GitHub has always been Git-centric, offering native support for Git, the industry's most widely used version control system.

User Interface (UI)

Bitbucket: Bitbucket's UI is known for its simplicity and user-friendliness. It focuses on essential code management features like source code, commits, and pull requests.

GitHub: GitHub's UI is more complex and optimized for social coding. It includes features like forks, stars, and followers, making it suitable for open-source projects and collaboration among a large community.


Bitbucket: Bitbucket offers built-in Confluence integration, allowing teams to collaborate on documentation and knowledge management.

GitHub: GitHub lacks built-in documentation integration, which can be a consideration for teams relying on collaborative documentation.

Access Control

Bitbucket: Bitbucket provides granular control over access and changes, making it suitable for organizations with strict security and compliance requirements.

GitHub: GitHub offers collaboration and open-source development flexibility but may not provide the same level of access control granularity as Bitbucket.

Community and Ecosystem

Bitbucket: While Bitbucket has a community, it's generally smaller in comparison to GitHub. It's often preferred by business and enterprise teams.

GitHub: GitHub boasts a large and active developer community, making it a prime platform for open-source projects and individual developers.

Direct Integrations

Bitbucket: Bitbucket offers direct integrations with other Atlassian tools such as Jira, Bamboo, Crucible, and JenkinsExternal, streamlining workflow across different stages of development.

GitHub: GitHub may not have as many direct integrations but offers numerous third-party integrations through the GitHub Marketplace, allowing customization to specific needs.

Understanding these key differences between Bitbucket and GitHub is essential for making an informed decision based on your team's needs and project requirements. Whether it's the ecosystem, VCS support, UI, or documentation, each platform has strengths that cater to different development scenarios.

Bitbucket Pricing

Bitbucket offers a free plan that includes unlimited public and private repositories, up to five users, and basic collaboration tools. The next plan is called "Standard" and costs $3 per user/month and includes more advanced collaboration tools, additional features such as built-in JIRA and Confluence integration, and advanced permissions and access control. The last plan is called "Premium" and costs $6 per user/month and includes additional features such as 24/7 support, compliance and security features. 

Bitbucket pricing

GitHub Pricing

GitHub offers a free plan that includes unlimited public repositories, and basic collaboration tools. The next plan is called "Team" and costs $44 per user/year and includes more advanced collaboration tools, and additional features such as code owners, action and packages, and advanced permissions and access control. The last plan is called "Enterprise" and it is a customized plan that is designed to meet the needs of large organizations, and includes additional features such as compliance and security, and 24/7 support. 

GitHub pricing

Bitbucket vs. GitHub: Pricing Comparison

It's worth noting that Bitbucket's pricing structure is based on the number of users, while GitHub's pricing structure is based on the features required. This means that if you have a small team, Bitbucket's pricing structure might be more cost-effective for you, as you only pay for the users that you need. On the other hand, if you require a specific set of features, GitHub's pricing structure might be more cost-effective for you, as you only pay for the features that you need.

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Bitbucket vs. GitHub: Choose the Right Platform for You

In conclusion, Bitbucket and GitHub are two of the most popular code hosting and version control platforms for software development teams. Both platforms offer a wide range of features that are designed to make software development more efficient and collaborative.

However, Bitbucket is more flexible than GitHub and has built-in JIRA integration, which makes it an ideal choice for teams that already use this tool for issue tracking and documentation management, while GitHub offers a large community and a wide range of integrations and add-ons. When choosing between Bitbucket and GitHub, it's important for readers to consider their team's specific needs and requirements. Evaluate the specific features and integrations required for your project and determine which platform offers the best fit. 

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GitHub is more popular and widely used than Bitbucket, particularly for open-source projects and individual developers. However, the popularity of these platforms may vary depending on the specific needs of development teams and organizations. Check the latest statistics and trends for a more up-to-date comparison.

2. What is the most used Git platform?

GitHub is widely regarded as the most used Git platform. It has a vast and active developer community, hosts millions of repositories, and is frequently chosen for open-source projects and collaborative development. However, other Git platforms like GitLab and Bitbucket have substantial user bases and are preferred by different organizations depending on their requirements.

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Table of Contents
  • What is Bitbucket?
  • What is GitHub?
  • Why Choosing the Right Code Hosting Platforms is Important for Developers?
  • Bitbucket vs. GitHub: What are the Similarities
  • 1. Code review and collaboration tools
  • 2. Version control systems support
  • 3. UI and command-line interfaces
  • 4. Issue tracking
  • 5. Documentation
  • 6. Access Control
  • 7. Community and ecosystem
  • 8. Code Insights
  • 9. Direct Integration
  • 10. Automation
  • GitHub Vs. Bitbucket: What are the Differences
  • Ownership and Ecosystem
  • Version Control System (VCS) Support
  • User Interface (UI)
  • Documentation
  • Access Control
  • Community and Ecosystem
  • Direct Integrations
  • Bitbucket Pricing
  • GitHub Pricing
  • Bitbucket vs. GitHub: Pricing Comparison
  • Bitbucket vs. GitHub: Choose the Right Platform for You
  • FAQs
  • 1. Which is more popular, GitHub or Bitbucket?
  • 2. What is the most used Git platform?

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