DORA vs SPACE vs Other Frameworks: Who’s Got the Edge in Developer Productivity?

Ever wondered if your current productivity frameworks truly capture your engineering team's potential? Explore how DORA, SPACE, and alternative frameworks can redefine your engineering outcomes.
DORA vs SPACE vs Other Frameworks: Who’s Got the Edge in Developer Productivity?

As an engineering leader, you’re always looking for ways to ensure your engineering team is caught up with all the backlog, building new and innovative products, and is shipping better software faster with each passing sprint. To deliver that level of engineering excellence, developers and engineering teams must be productive and efficient in whatever they do. Developer productivity is a key piece of that puzzle. It’s not just about the quantity of code produced but also about how effectively your engineering team collaborates, how quickly they resolve issues, how smoothly they operate across the SDLC, and how engaged they feel in their work.

With the rise of DevOps and automated workflows, we've made significant progress in enhancing developer productivity.

To keep this momentum going, different frameworks have been created to measure and boost productivity. These frameworks give you a clear way to look at key engineering metrics and spot areas where things could be done better. By getting to know these frameworks and using them effectively, you can help create a more productive and satisfying work environment for your engineering team.

In the last couple of years DORA metrics and SPACE Framework. have caught some attention and engineering teams have begun to deploy them in day-to-day operations. But today, we’re going to dive deeper into how these frameworks stack up against others. So, let’s dive in and see what we can uncover.

How DORA, SPACE, and Other Developer Productivity Frameworks Came Into The Picture

DORA and SPACE frameworks, though developed with different focal points, have both become indispensable tools in the landscape of modern software engineering. But they are just part of a broader ecosystem of developer productivity frameworks that help teams achieve excellence in software delivery and overall engineering team performance. Let’s dive into how DORA, SPACE, and other metrics came into existence to explore what problem they intended to solve in the first place. 

DORA Metrics

The story of DORA (DevOps Research and Assessment) metrics began with a groundbreaking research project aimed at discovering what drives high performance in software development and delivery. Led by Dr. Nicole Forsgren, along with Jez Humble and Gene Kim, the research focused on the key factors that set elite teams apart.

Over several years, they collected data from thousands of DevOps teams worldwide, ultimately identifying four key metrics: Deployment Frequency, Cycle Time, Mean Time to Recovery (MTTR), and Change Failure Rate. These metrics offer a clear, quantifiable way to measure the effectiveness of DevOps practices, helping teams deliver software faster while maintaining reliability.

As the research gained attention, it became clear that these metrics weren't just academic exercises—they were practical tools that could be applied in real-world DevOps environments. Today, the widespread adoption of DORA metrics has helped countless organizations optimize their software delivery processes, making them faster, more efficient, and more resilient.

This success led the DORA team to join Google Cloud, where these metrics continue to play a key role in measuring DevOps performance.

DORA Metrics overview by Hatica

SPACE Metrics

SPACE metrics are a more recent development, emerging from the understanding that developer productivity is more than just speed. This realization led to the creation of a framework that offers a broader view of what makes development teams productive and satisfied in their work. Dr. Nicole Forsgren, again involved in this project, worked with a diverse team of researchers and industry leaders to develop the SPACE framework.

SPACE addresses the gaps left by traditional productivity metrics, recognizing that to truly boost productivity, organizations must look beyond just the hard numbers. SPACE stands for Satisfaction and Well-Being, Performance, Activity, Communication and Collaboration, Efficiency and Flow. By including elements like well-being and collaboration, SPACE provides a more complete approach that aligns with the complex, human-centered nature of software development.

SPACE Framework defiition

💡Additional Read: Applying SPACE Framework to Measure Developer Productivity

Other Developer Productivity Frameworks

Beyond DORA and SPACE, there are other frameworks designed to capture various aspects of developer productivity. While they might not be as well-known, these frameworks provide valuable insights and tools that can help teams and organizations enhance their effectiveness. We'll dive into these in a bit more detail to shed light on their unique contributions, especially since they aren't as prominent as DORA and SPACE in the engineering ecosystem.

Nokia’s Team Effectiveness Framework

You’ve probably noticed a trend by now: big tech companies take productivity seriously and are willing to dig deep to figure out where their teams can improve. Nokia was no different. Nokia might be a thing of the past now but their engineering practices were one of the best in the times. During a time of rapid innovation and tough competition, they developed the Team Effectiveness Framework to help their teams work better together. This was one of the many strategies Nokia used to stay ahead in the early 2000s.

The Nokia Team Effectiveness Framework is all about improving how teams function by focusing on a few key areas:

  • Team Composition: Making sure there’s a good mix of skills, experiences, and personalities in the team to keep collaboration smooth and effective.
  • Leadership: Checking how well team leaders are guiding, supporting, and motivating everyone towards the team’s goals.
  • Communication: Looking at the quality and frequency of communication, which is super important for coordinating efforts and making the right decisions.
  • Decision-Making: Examining how decisions are made, with a focus on making sure the process is inclusive, timely, and has a positive impact on the team’s performance and morale.

This framework is especially useful for organizations that depend on cross-functional and collaborative teams.

CALMS Framework

The CALMS framework, developed by John Willis and Damon Edwards, came from their experiences in the early days of the DevOps movement. They realized that successful DevOps implementation required more than just adopting new tools and technologies. CALMS stands for Culture, Automation, Lean, Measurement, and Sharing.

Each element represents a critical aspect of DevOps success:

  • Culture: Encourages a collaborative and open environment.
  • Automation: Focuses on improving efficiency and reducing errors.
  • Lean: Aims to streamline processes and eliminate waste.
  • Measurement: Stresses the importance of tracking progress.
  • Sharing: Advocates for knowledge exchange and collaboration.

The CALMS framework helps organizations assess their readiness for DevOps transformations, ensuring that they are not only focused on technology but also on the people and processes that drive successful outcomes.

GEM Framework (Goals, Execution, Metrics)

The GEM framework was developed as part of a broader effort to align engineering teams with business objectives, ensuring that the work being done at the technical level directly supports the strategic goals of the organization. It was designed to address the common challenge of disconnects between high-level business goals and day-to-day engineering activities. The framework gained traction as organizations sought more structured ways to bridge this gap and ensure that their engineering efforts were both purposeful and measurable.

GEM stands for Goals, Execution, and Metrics, offering a structured approach to improving productivity by aligning these three critical components.


GEM is particularly useful for teams looking to align their work with broader business objectives and make sure that their efforts are purposeful and measurable. By focusing on goals, execution, and metrics, the framework helps teams stay on track and continuously improve their performance.

Now before we get into the detailed comparison, it's important to understand why comparing these frameworks matters. Each of these frameworks offers a different lens through which to view developer productivity. As someone leading an engineering team, it's crucial to recognize that no single framework will provide all the answers. Instead, by understanding the strengths and purposes of each, you can select the right combination that best suits your engineering team’s needs.

Now, let’s break down how these frameworks compare across key areas to help you decide which ones might be the most beneficial for your engineering team:

Comparing Developer Productivity Frameworks: A Detailed Overview

To effectively compare these developer productivity frameworks, let's break down their key aspects into specific comparison points. This will allow us to see how each framework stacks up against the others in terms of focus, objectives, implementation, and impact on team dynamics.

This helps you compare the major developer productivity frameworks, showing their strengths and focus areas. Depending on your engineering team’s needs, you can pick the framework—or mix of frameworks—that will best help you boost productivity, improve team dynamics, and align with business goals.

Choosing the Right Developer Productivity Framework for Your Engineering Team

With several frameworks available, it can be challenging to decide which one(s) will best suit your engineering team’s needs. The key is to understand your team’s current challenges and goals, and then select the framework that aligns most closely with those areas. In some cases, a hybrid approach—combining elements from multiple frameworks—might offer the most comprehensive solution.

Before diving into a specific framework, take a step back and assess your team’s current state. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What are our biggest pain points? Are you struggling with slow delivery times, lack of collaboration, or low engineering team morale?
  • What are our goals? Do you want to accelerate delivery, improve engineering team satisfaction, or align better with business objectives?
  • What’s our current process? Are you already practicing DevOps, or are you more focused on traditional software development methodologies?
  • How mature is your engineering team? Are you just starting to implement new processes, or are you looking to fine-tune existing ones?

By answering these questions, you can get a clearer picture of where your engineering team stands and what they need most.

Matching Frameworks to Your Engineering Needs

Once you have a good understanding of your team’s needs, you can start matching them to the right framework(s):

  • If your team struggles with delivery speed and reliability, DORA Metrics is likely the best fit. This framework will help you identify bottlenecks in your delivery process and make improvements that lead to faster, more reliable releases.
  • If team well-being, collaboration, and a holistic developer experience are your main concerns, SPACE Metrics could provide the insights you need. This framework helps you track not just productivity but also how engaged and satisfied your team is, which can lead to more sustainable long-term performance.
  • If your priority is enhancing engineering team leadership and communication, Nokia’s Team Effectiveness Framework might be ideal. It’s particularly useful for cross-functional teams where strong collaboration and effective communication are crucial.
  • If you’re looking to ensure successful DevOps transformations, the CALMS Framework can guide you. It ensures that your DevOps journey is balanced, focusing on both the technical and cultural aspects.
  • If aligning your engineering work with business strategy is a priority, the GEM Framework is your go-to. It helps ensure that every technical effort supports your organization’s strategic goals, providing a clear path from goal-setting to execution and measurement.

Adopting a Hybrid Approach

Sometimes, a single framework might not fully address all the needs of your engineering team. In such cases, adopting a hybrid approach—where you combine elements from multiple frameworks—can provide a more robust and well-rounded strategy. For example:

  • Speeding Up Delivery with Quality: You could primarily use DORA Metrics to focus on accelerating delivery, but also incorporate SPACE Metrics to ensure that your engineering team’s well-being and satisfaction aren’t compromised in the process of delivering better software faster.
  • Improving Collaboration and Alignment: Combine elements from the Nokia Team Effectiveness Framework and the GEM Framework to enhance both engineering team collaboration and alignment with business objectives. This ensures that while your engineering team works effectively together, their efforts are also strategically aligned with the overall business goals.
  • Ensuring a Smooth DevOps Transformation: Use CALMS as your core framework to guide the DevOps transition, but integrate DORA Metrics to measure the impact of your efforts and SPACE Metrics to keep an eye on engineering team morale throughout the process.

The Role of Productivity Frameworks in An Engineering Team’s Success

When it comes to managing an engineering team, it's easy for important aspects to slip through the cracks—whether it’s due to the fast pace of work, shifting priorities, or just the day-to-day demands of leadership. That’s where these frameworks come in. They help you zero in on critical areas that might not always get the attention they deserve but are essential for your engineering team’s success.

By adopting the right frameworks, you’re doing more than just ticking boxes—you’re making sure that every part of your engineering team’s workflow is optimized, from how they collaborate to how they deliver results. These frameworks also shine a light on the areas that might be missed, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks.

If you’re still unsure about which framework best fits your needs, we encourage you to have a conversation with our productivity experts. Their valuable insights will help you speed through these decisions and find the right solution for your team.

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Table of Contents
  • How DORA, SPACE, and Other Developer Productivity Frameworks Came Into The Picture
  • DORA Metrics
  • SPACE Metrics
  • Other Developer Productivity Frameworks
  • Nokia’s Team Effectiveness Framework
  • CALMS Framework
  • GEM Framework (Goals, Execution, Metrics)
  • Comparing Developer Productivity Frameworks: A Detailed Overview
  • Choosing the Right Developer Productivity Framework for Your Engineering Team
  • Matching Frameworks to Your Engineering Needs
  • Adopting a Hybrid Approach
  • The Role of Productivity Frameworks in An Engineering Team’s Success

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