
7 Most Effective Jira Tips and Tricks to Boost Team Productivity

Boost your team's productivity with Jira. Get insights on keyboard shortcuts, agile methodologies, custom filters, and workflow templates.
Expert Tips For Project Management in Jira

Jira is a popular project management tool with numerous features that boost team productivity. There are always ways to improve your productivity and optimize your workflow, whether you are a seasoned Jira user or a beginner. In this article, we'll go over some expert tips for doubling your productivity in Jira. By following these tips, you can make the most of Jira's features and increase your project management productivity. So let's get started!

What is Jira?

JIRA, developed by Atlassian, is a widely used project management and issue-tracking software that provides a versatile platform for teams to plan, track, and manage their work. It's particularly popular among software development teams but is also employed across various industries for task management, project tracking, and bug reporting. JIRA's key feature is its ability to create and organize tasks, known as "issues," allowing teams to prioritize, assign, and monitor progress seamlessly.

One of JIRA's strengths is its flexibility, which enables teams to customize workflows and issue types to align with their specific needs. Users can also access a variety of project management tools, including agile boards, scrum boards, and kanban boards, making it adaptable to various project management methodologies. Additionally, JIRA integrates seamlessly with other Atlassian products like Confluence and Bitbucket, enhancing its collaboration and documentation capabilities.

Jira Tips and Tricks to Improve Project Management Productivity

Jira, the versatile project management and issue-tracking tool, is a powerhouse when it comes to streamlining workflows and enhancing productivity. Whether you're a seasoned Jira user or just getting started, this blog will uncover some valuable tips and tricks to help you make the most of this powerful tool.

1. Use Jira Keyboard Shortcuts

Jira offers a wide range of keyboard shortcuts that can save you a lot of time and increase your productivity. By learning these shortcuts, you can quickly navigate through Jira, create new issues, assign tasks, and much more. 

The concept of issues is central to JIRA Software. The faster we can solve problems, the more productive we can be. You can quickly take action on highlighted issues in JIRA Software no matter where you are in the application. You can save time and increase your efficiency by using a variety of keyboard shortcuts.

The 'A' key, for example, can be used to assign an issue to a user, whereas the 'C' key can be used to create a new issue. You can use these shortcuts to quickly create and assign issues without having to do a lot of clicking and navigating.

Jira Keyboard Shortcuts

2. Use Agile Methodologies

Agile methodologies have grown in popularity in software development because they place a premium on flexibility, collaboration, and rapid iteration. Jira, a powerful project management tool, includes built-in support for agile methodologies like Scrum and Kanban, making it a popular choice for teams looking to boost productivity and efficiency.

3. Create Custom Filters

Jira's custom filters are an essential feature that allows users to quickly view relevant project information. Creating custom filters can assist you in avoiding the need to sift through large amounts of data and instead focus on the information that is important to you. You can use custom filters to show all issues assigned to you, all issues that are overdue, or any other relevant information you need to track.

To create a custom filter in Jira, go to the issue navigator and click the "advanced search" button. You can then specify the filter criteria, such as issue type, status, priority, and assignee. After entering your criteria, you can save your filter and give it a name.

Custom filters can be saved and shared with your team to improve collaboration and productivity. You can also subscribe to filters to receive email notifications when new or updated issues are added. You can quickly identify and resolve issues, stay organized, and keep your projects on track by using custom filters.

4. Workflow Templates for Increased Productivity

JIRA Software allows users to customize workflows, allowing them to create unique processes that meet their specific requirements. Creating workflows from scratch, on the other hand, can be time-consuming and often involves a lot of trial and error. Workflow templates come in handy here.

Workflow templates are pre-built, customizable workflows that can be used to create your own unique workflows. These templates are intended to help you save time by streamlining the workflow creation process.

Follow these steps to access workflow templates in JIRA Software:

  • Navigate to the "Administration" menu in JIRA.
  • Click "Issues" and then "Workflows" to proceed.
  • Select "Import a new workflow" after clicking "Add workflow".
  • You can import a workflow template or start from scratch from this point.

Using a pre-built workflow template can reduce the amount of time and effort required to create a new workflow significantly. It also ensures that your workflow is based on industry best practices and standards.

Another advantage of using workflow templates is the ease with which they can be modified and customized to meet your specific requirements. With just a few clicks, you can add or remove steps, modify conditions, and adjust transitions to create a workflow that is tailored to your organization.

Jira project management's "About" section provides a concise project description, including its goal and essential details. Users may add new projects by using the "Add Project" functionality, which lets them establish preferences for the project type and permissions. In the meanwhile, "Navigation Links" act as shortcuts inside the Jira interface, providing rapid access to several modules, projects, and pages, increasing user productivity and supporting efficient project management.

6. Integrate Jira with Other Useful Apps

Jira offers several methods for integration, including built-in functions and third-party solutions, to connect it with other applications. Data interchange and collaboration across platforms are made possible by this connection. Jira frequently integrates with software for continuous integration, deployment, and monitoring tasks as well as with Confluence for documentation, Slack for team communication, and Bitbucket or GitHub for version control. Jira may be integrated with your favorite apps to speed up processes, improve communication, and ensure that project information is up-to-date and easily accessible across your organization.

7. Use Your Bookmarks Bar

The practice of adding essential Jira project links or pages to your web browser's bookmarks bar. By doing this, you may easily go to Jira projects, boards, dashboards, or other crucial project-related websites with a single click. Jira can now be navigated more quickly thanks to this straightforward organizational strategy, which also enables project managers, team members, and stakeholders to quickly access certain project components. This streamlines their project management workflows and ensures important project data is readily accessible.

What exactly is Agile Methodology?

Agile project management is an iterative approach that emphasizes collaboration, customer satisfaction, and the ability to respond quickly to change. It entails dividing large projects into small, manageable tasks, prioritizing work based on customer needs, and iterating quickly to deliver high-quality software.

The agile methodology is built around four core values:

  • People and their interactions with processes and tools
  • Working software trump extensive documentation.
  • Customer involvement in contract negotiations
  • Responding to change by sticking to a plan

Scrum and Kanban are two of the most popular agile software development methodologies.

Scrum is an iterative and incremental framework for managing complex projects. It focuses on delivering a potentially shippable product increment at the end of each sprint, which lasts two to four weeks on average. Scrum teams are self-organizing and cross-functional, with a Product Owner prioritizing the backlog, a Scrum Master facilitating the process, and a Development Team delivering the product.

In contrast, Kanban is a visual management tool that assists teams in visualizing and optimizing their workflow. Kanban boards are typically divided into columns that represent various stages of the process, with cards representing work items moving across the board as they progress through the workflow. Kanban emphasizes continuous delivery while limiting work in progress and minimizing lead time.

[Read: How to Create Backups for Jira Cloud]


In conclusion, using Jira keyboard shortcuts can save you a significant amount of time and increase your efficiency when navigating the platform. With Jira, you can use agile methodologies such as Scrum and Kanban to prioritize work, collaborate effectively, and deliver high-quality software. Filters allow you to quickly identify and resolve issues by viewing information that is important to you. Last but not least, workflow templates make it easier to create processes that meet your specific requirements as well as reduce the amount of time and effort spent on the process.

By incorporating these expert tips into your Jira usage, you can maximize your productivity, save time, and increase efficiency. With a little bit of practice and implementation of these strategies, you can take your Jira skills to the next level and become a productivity powerhouse in your team.


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Table of Contents
  • What is Jira?
  • Jira Tips and Tricks to Improve Project Management Productivity
  • 1. Use Jira Keyboard Shortcuts
  • 2. Use Agile Methodologies
  • 3. Create Custom Filters
  • 4. Workflow Templates for Increased Productivity
  • 5. Add Project and Navigation Links
  • 6. Integrate Jira with Other Useful Apps
  • 7. Use Your Bookmarks Bar
  • What exactly is Agile Methodology?
  • Conclusion
  • TL;DR

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