
How to Set Up Ticketing System Using Jira?

Streamline and Enhance Software Development with Jira Ticketing. Learn how to set up Jira Service Desk for efficient project management.
Jira Ticketing for Software Development Teams

Managing software development tasks, including projects, bugs, and feature requests, can be complex. Jira, a widely used ticketing system, simplifies this process by simplifying workflows and enhancing productivity. Another valuable tool, the Jira Service Desk, aids in handling customer requests, incidents, and service-related tasks with added features like SLA management and customer portals. By combining both tools, teams can customize issue types, configure ticket statuses, and offer multiple submission channels. In a remote work setting, staying informed and connected can be challenging. Establishing virtual meetings and utilizing Jira's built-in notification and communication features are crucial for keeping team members updated about new tickets and project progress.

This article guides you through setting up a Jira Service Desk project for efficient ticket management in today's remote work environment.

Jira is a software development tool primarily used for project management and issue tracking. Teams can use it to arrange, rank, and monitor the progression of tasks and bugs throughout different phases of the development process.

Jira vs Basecamp vs Rally

Jira's Agile boards, including Scrum and Kanban helps teams to visually organize and prioritize their work. These boards assist teams in tracking progress, identifying bottlenecks, and adapting quickly to changes in the development process. On top of it, with the sprint planning feature, teams can organise and manage their work in short, iterative cycles. The idea is to deliver functional software in stages and receive feedback from stakeholders early in the development process.

Another feature that makes Jira a perfect choice for engineering teams is reporting and analytics for tracking metrics like velocity, burndown, and lead time. Following these metrics can help find areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions.

Jira Service Desk helps teams manage customer requests, incidents, and other service-related tasks efficiently with the help of Jira Service Desk, a service management tool that integrates with Jira to improve its service management capabilities, including SLA management, request forms, and customer portals.

Now that we know why Jira ia the key to your project management needs, lets see how to setup Jira tickets.

How to SetUp a Jira Tickets?

Jira simplifies task management and project processes for organizations. In this guide, we'll show you how to set up a customized ticketing system using Jira, enhancing task management and customer support.

Step 1: Sign Up for a Jira Service Desk Account

To get started, you will need to sign up for a Jira Service Desk account. You can choose from a variety of pricing plans to suit your organization's needs. Once you have signed up, you can log in to the Jira Service Desk portal.

Step 2: Creating a new project

After logging into the Jira Service Desk, you can create a new project by clicking on the Create button and selecting Project. Jira provides several templates that can be used for service management, each with its own specific features and use cases. Here are a few examples of Jira templates that can be used for service management:

Jira Service Desk Portal
  • IT Service Desk: This template is designed specifically for IT service management and includes features such as incident management, problem management, and change management.
  • Service Desk Project: This template is a more general service management template that can be used for any type of service management, including IT, HR, and customer service. It includes features such as incident management, problem management, and request management. 
  • Scrum and Agile Project: This template is designed for organizations that use agile methodologies, it includes features such as sprint planning, backlog management, and burndown charts.
  • Project and Portfolio: This template is designed for organizations that need to manage multiple projects and portfolios, it includes features such as resource management, project timelines, and portfolio performance metrics. 
Jira Service Desk Portal Project Template

Depending on the organization's needs and service management process, Jira can be customized. Team members can create customized templates or combine Jira's templates to ensure they are using the best one for their particular needs.

For creating the ticketing system, you can select the "IT Service Management" template. Add a Name, key, and team type, and then click on Create project.

Project Management on Jira Service Desk

Step 3: Customize your project settings

After your project is created, you can customize the settings to suit your organization's needs. This includes setting up custom issue types, such as "Request" or "Incident," and configuring the statuses that tickets can be in, such as "Open," "In Progress," and "Closed."

You can also set up custom fields and forms to collect specific information from customers. Other than Issue types & statuses some of the key customization options available in IT management desk are Queues & channels, SLA, Prioritization, Automation and customer portals.

Creating Queues in Jira Service Desk

Step 4: Create queues and channels

One of the key features of the Jira Service Desk is the ability to create queues and channels for managing different types of tickets. For example, you can create a queue for customer requests and another queue for technical issues.

List of Jira Open Tickets

Go to the project settings and, select "Queues" or "Channels" from the left sidebar. Click the "Add" button to create a new queue or channel. Fill in the necessary information for the queue or channel, such as its name, description, and routing rules. Click "Save" to create the queue or channel.

Additionally, you can establish a support channel in your new project for clients to use to submit requests, such as a customer portal or a linked email account. On the Portal Setup page, you can also specify which areas of the website they can access. This helps to ensure that tickets are properly categorized and routed to the appropriate team members for handling. 

Managing Queues in Jira Service Desk

Step 5: Setup email notifications

In order to ensure that tickets are handled in a timely manner, it's important to set up email notifications. Jira Service Desk allows you to configure email notifications for different events, such as when a ticket is created, when a comment is added, or when a ticket is resolved. This ensures that team members are aware of new tickets and can respond in a timely manner. 

Select "Notifications" from the left sidebar of the project settings. Make sure you choose the notification scheme you want to use or create a new one based on your preferences. Choose the events you want to be notified about. To update the notification scheme, click "Save".

Step 6: Create reports and dashboards

To monitor the performance of your ticketing system, it's important to create reports and dashboards. Jira Service Desk allows you to create various reports such as ticket volume, resolution time, and customer satisfaction. This allows you to track metrics such as ticket volume, resolution time, and customer satisfaction, and make data-driven decisions to improve the performance of the system. 

Choose "Reports" or "Dashboards" from the left sidebar of the project settings. Select the type of report you want to create, such as a pie chart or a bar chart, by clicking the "Create" button. Enter the report's necessary details. 

To create a new dashboard, click the "Create" button, give it a name, and choose the desired layout to start a new dashboard. Configure gadgets on the dashboard as necessary, such as by adding a filter or a particular report. To create the report or the dashboard, click "Save."

Thing to Keep in Mind Before Implementing Jira Ticketing System 

Assess your needs: Before implementing a ticketing system, it's important to assess your organization's needs. This includes understanding what type of tickets you need to manage, the volume of tickets you expect to receive, and the level of customization and automation you require. This information will help you determine which features and settings in Jira will be most beneficial for your organization. 

Plan the implementation: Once you have assessed your needs, you can begin planning the implementation. This includes determining which teams will be responsible for managing tickets, setting up queues and channels for receiving and routing tickets, and configuring the workflows, issue types, and custom fields in Jira. 

Train your team: Once the system is set up and tested, it's important to train your team members on how to use it. This includes creating and managing tickets, using queues and channels, and making use of Jira's other features.

Common Issues When Setting Up a Ticketing System in Jira

Creating and running a ticketing system within Jira can sometimes pose challenges. Here are a few common problems that people encounter during this setup, along with solutions:

Problem 1: Prioritizing New Ticket Requests

In the beginning, managing tickets may seem straightforward, especially if you have a single agent handling all requests. However, this approach isn't scalable. To avoid issues later on, it's essential to establish a clear system from the start.

Not all tickets have the same urgency. If you're addressing tickets in the order they arrive, high-priority matters could end up at the bottom of the queue. For example, if you receive 50 new tickets daily and have five agents, they each handle ten tickets. If a high-priority ticket arrives on day three, but agents are still working on day one's tickets, it might not get attention until the following week.

To address this, customize the priority values for different request types. Priorities can include Highest, High, Medium, Low, and Lowest. For instance, bugs should be considered high-priority, while requests for new features may have lower priority.

Problem 2: Managing Similar High-Volume Tickets

As your organization grows, you may encounter numerous similar questions and issues flooding your ticket system. To empower your support agents to clear their queues efficiently, consider implementing Confluence, a complementary solution that's available for free with Jira Service Desk.

Confluence enables you to create a knowledge base for self-service support. Customers and internal users can find answers to common questions without creating new tickets. If they do submit a ticket, your support agents can direct them to relevant articles for quick resolutions.

Problem 3: Managing Workflows

Ticket resolution isn't always a straightforward journey from start to finish; often, it involves several intermediate steps. For example, when a customer reports a software bug, it may need to pass through various parties, including developers and project managers, before being fixed and released as a new software version.

Jira Service Desk simplifies customizing workflows based on the request type, with user-friendly drag-and-drop functionality. Tickets can only move forward in the workflow based on their status. For instance, a "pending" ticket can't transition directly to "done"; it must first move to "work in progress."

For more complex workflows involving multiple agents and processes, take full advantage of Jira's custom workflow management tools.

Efficient Ticketing with Jira Service Desk

Overall, Jira is flexible, and feature-rich. However, it's important to work closely with Jira experts in your organization and/or consult with a certified partner if needed, to make sure the ticketing system is set up correctly, and your team is properly trained to use it efficiently.

With Jira Service Desk, teams can also customize the system to match their specific needs and process. This includes setting up custom fields and forms to collect specific information from customers and automating the process through integration.

In conclusion, creating a ticketing system using Jira Service Desk is a straightforward process that can be completed in a few simple steps. Keep streamlining your customer service process and improving efficiency!

To get maximum efficiency out of Jira, an engineering analytics tool is the need of the hour. Hatica offers metrics across 13 dashboards, powered by CI/CD tools, Jira and GitHub. By collating tool activities at one place, Hatica helps teams streamline their workflow, cut through the clutter of unwanted tickets, and improve productivity. Request a demo with Hatica today!


1. Why are Jira tickets used?

In Jira Service Desk, Jira tickets entered by customers are referred to as “requests.” In the Jira Software or Jira Service Desk queue, a request is referred to as the “issue.” Jira Tickets help save time and money as users are capable of recording all issues, communications, and notes in a single tool.

2. What is the workflow in Jira?

In Jira Software, the path your issues take from creation to completion is called workflow. Each workflow is composed of a set of statutes and transitions that your issue moves through during its lifecycle and typically represents work processes within your organization.

3. What are the three types of a Jira workflow?

The three types of workflow rules happen in this order:

  • Restrict transition, which happens before someone tries to transition an issue.
  • Validate details, which happens when someone tries to transition an issue.
  • Perform actions, which happens after someone transitions the issue.

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Table of Contents
  • Jira: What Makes The Tool Popular?
  • How to SetUp a Jira Tickets?
  • Step 1: Sign Up for a Jira Service Desk Account
  • Step 2: Creating a new project
  • Step 3: Customize your project settings
  • Step 4: Create queues and channels
  • Step 5: Setup email notifications
  • Step 6: Create reports and dashboards
  • Thing to Keep in Mind Before Implementing Jira Ticketing System 
  • Common Issues When Setting Up a Ticketing System in Jira
  • Problem 1: Prioritizing New Ticket Requests
  • Problem 2: Managing Similar High-Volume Tickets
  • Problem 3: Managing Workflows
  • Efficient Ticketing with Jira Service Desk
  • FAQs
  • 1. Why are Jira tickets used?
  • 2. What is the workflow in Jira?
  • 3. What are the three types of a Jira workflow?

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