
Who Owns Developer Productivity in an Engineering Organization?

Developer productivity is a collaborative effort but often falters due to unclear ownership. Read this blog to clarify stakeholder roles in enhancing developer productivity within an engineering organization.
Who Owns Developer Productivity in an Engineering Organization?

Software development leaders are caught in a double bind: do more with less, while software becomes ever more critical to the business. This creates a crucial need for developer productivity, as Gartner's Philip Walsh rightly pointed out. But true productivity goes beyond merely writing code or releasing features. It involves creating an environment where developers can thrive, empowering them to work efficiently, innovate freely, and consistently produce high-quality work. 

The focus on developer productivity is more prominent than ever, and investment in teams dedicated to fixing the gap is on the rise already.. 

But who exactly is responsible for the ownership of developer productivity, a critical metric?

In this blog, we'll get into the various facets of developer productivity and explore how different roles within an engineering organization can own it or influence it. We'll pinpoint who should prioritize and improve developer productivity and the part they play in this mission.

But first, let's take a closer look at the roles and their impact on developer productivity!

The Role of Individual Developers to Drive Dev Productivity

Individual developers are central to their own productivity. They write the code, solve problems, and drive innovation. Their skills, work habits, and motivation directly affect their productivity. And as they start working on projects in teams or pods, their individual productivity starts impacting the productivity and hence efficiency of the rest of the team as well. 

However, placing the entire burden of productivity on developers is neither fair nor effective. 

While they are on the front lines, their productivity is greatly influenced by the environment and support provided by their teams and the organization as a whole. A chicken and egg situation, quite literally.

The Impact of Engineering Managers to Drive Dev Productivity

Engineering managers are the conductors of a high-performing development team. They wield a powerful influence on developer productivity by creating an environment that removes roadblocks, provides the right resources, and encourages engineers to excel. 

This includes setting clear goals, offering constructive feedback, and nurturing a culture of continuous improvement.

Let's get into the specific practices and policies that engineering managers can leverage to strategically enhance developer productivity:

  • Regular One-on-Ones: These focused meetings allow managers to understand individual challenges and provide tailored support, ensuring each developer thrives.
  • Crystal-Clear Communication: Establishing clear communication channels minimizes misunderstandings and keeps everyone aligned on goals and priorities.
  • Investing in Growth: Encouraging and facilitating professional development through training and skill-building opportunities keeps developers motivated, engaged, and equipped with the latest technologies.

While engineering managers and their role in defining developer productivity is vital, ownership of developer productivity extends beyond them as well.

💡Additional Read: Hatica is building great engineering managers. Here’s How!

The Influence of Directors and VPs of Engineering for the Ownership of Developer Productivity

Directors and VPs of Engineering hold a strategic lens, viewing the engineering team within the broader context of the organization's goals and direction. They act as architects, ensuring the team's efforts are tightly aligned with the company's vision. Their decisions hold significant sway over developer productivity through resource allocation, project prioritization, and building a positive culture.

They make some strategic moves for peak performance, here’s how!

  • Resource Allocation: Directors and VPs ensure teams have the essential tools and resources to operate efficiently. This could involve securing a budget for new development platforms or investing in developer training programs.
  • Project Prioritization: Aligning projects with company goals is crucial. They strategically allocate teams, preventing developer overload by prioritizing critical initiatives.
  • Cultural Initiatives: A healthy engineering culture is incredibly important. Directors and VPs can champion initiatives that promote work-life balance, continuous learning, and a culture of innovation, all of which contribute to a more productive team.

💡Additonal Reads:

  1. How a Director of Engineering Measure Engineering Efficiency
  2. A Guide for VP Engineering to Build a Data-Driven Engineering Culture

Who Owns Developer Productivity? 

We ran a poll on Linkedin asking engineering teams the not-so-obvious question, “Who owns Developer Productivity in an engineering organization?” Our poll results underscore the widespread belief that engineering managers and leaders own or play a vital role in developer productivity.

LinkedIn Poll on Who Owns Developer Productivity in an Engineering Organisation

The poll clearly has a sharp inference to be drawn. But there's a deeper layer to the story. Developer productivity isn't a one-man show within an engineering org. It's a collaborative effort where individual developers, engineering managers, and upper management all have a stake. Through countless conversations with engineering teams, it became evident that each engineering team is dealt with a unique set of challenges. So the ownership of developer productivity depends on multiple factors, challenges and settings. 

  • Structure Matters: Whether your team is centralized, decentralized, or hybrid, each structure benefits from a tailored approach to boosting productivity. Understanding and adapting to your team’s specific setup is key.
  • Unique Challenges: Every team faces its own set of hurdles, be it communication gaps, resource constraints, or technical debt. Identifying and addressing these unique challenges is crucial to improving productivity.
  • Remote Considerations: The dynamics of remote or hybrid work significantly impact how productivity efforts should be coordinated. For instance, a hybrid team might benefit from a centralized approach, while fully remote teams often need localized solutions to stay effective.
  • Team Size: The size of your team also plays a crucial role. Larger teams might require more structured and formal productivity measures, while smaller teams could thrive with more flexible and adaptable strategies.

The ideal developer productivity strategy depends on your team's structure and unique circumstances.

These factors ultimately dictate who owns developer productivity in an engineering organization. Is it Directors of Engineering, roles in upper management, dedicated teams, or others?

But let’s explore real-world examples of how engineering teams of different sizes, settings, and structures approach developer productivity. This will help us understand who is accountable in these various scenarios.

Real-World Comparisons: Centralized vs. Localized DevProd Teams

Different teams approach DevProd in various ways based on their unique characteristics. Let’s explore how Team A (fully remote), Team B (small and agile), Team C (large and multi-project), and Team D (high-growth startup) tackle DevProd differently:

Team A: Centralized Approach for a Remote Crew

Team A, a fully remote team, could leverage a centralized DevProd team to maintain consistent productivity across geographic boundaries. 

They might focus on:

  • Using tools like Slack, Zoom, and shared document platforms to keep everyone connected and collaborating seamlessly.
  • Implementing a comprehensive onboarding program to ensure new hires, regardless of location, quickly become familiar with tools, company culture, and development processes.
  • Providing round-the-clock support to address technical issues or productivity hurdles, no matter the time zone.

Team B: Localized Approach for Agile Adaptability

Team B, a small, agile team, might thrive with a localized DevProd approach, offering flexibility and rapid adaptation. 

Their strategy could include:

  • Strategically choosing tools and practices that perfectly suit their unique needs, maximizing efficiency.
  • Holding regular in-person or virtual meetings to strengthen team spirit and expedite issue resolution.
  • Utilizing rapid iteration cycles with continuous feedback to swiftly adjust and improve productivity practices.

Team C: Centralized Approach for Managing Multitude

Team C, part of a large, multi-project organization, would benefit from a centralized DevProd team to manage complexity and scale.

Their approach might involve:

  • Ensuring consistent tracking and reporting across all projects using tools like Jira or Asana.
  • Developing and enforcing best practices for coding standards, documentation, and workflows to maintain high-quality output.
  • Maintaining a pool of specialized skills and knowledge to ensure all projects have the right expertise at the right time.

Team D: Localized Approach for a High-Growth Start-Up

Team D, a high-growth startup, requires a localized DevProd approach to manage its unique challenges. 

This team might prioritize:

  • Implementing scalable processes to ensure productivity remains high even during rapid growth.
  • Tailoring onboarding programs to specific needs and challenges to get new hires contributing quickly.
  • Evolving support structures alongside the team’s needs, whether through new tools, additional training, or workflow adjustments.

By considering your team's structure and needs, you can choose the developer productivity approach that unlocks its full potential.

Ultimately, developer productivity is a multifaceted concept that requires effort from various roles within an organization. While individual developers, engineering managers, and directors or VPs of engineering each have distinct responsibilities, the synergy among these roles is what truly drives the ownership of productivity. 

Cross-functional teams, blending developers, designers, testers, product managers, and other stakeholders, become a united front working towards shared objectives.

The Bottom Line 

Developer productivity is a commitment that starts at the top. Our recent poll revealed a strong consensus that Engineering Leaders should own developer productivity, and we couldn't agree more. While enhancing productivity requires a collective effort, the engineering leader is pivotal in driving this change.

Engineering leaders serve as the crucial link between CTOs and CEOs, transforming business objectives into actionable technical strategies. This alignment fosters a cohesive environment where both business and engineering goals can flourish.

Ultimately, those responsible for developer productivity must embrace this shared duty. It involves creating a supportive atmosphere that empowers developers, promotes collaboration, and ensures the success of both business and engineering objectives.

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Table of Contents
  • The Role of Individual Developers to Drive Dev Productivity
  • The Impact of Engineering Managers to Drive Dev Productivity
  • The Influence of Directors and VPs of Engineering for the Ownership of Developer Productivity
  • Who Owns Developer Productivity? 
  • Real-World Comparisons: Centralized vs. Localized DevProd Teams
  • The Bottom Line 

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