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Dev Throughput

Dev Throughput Dashboard

Throughput in software development refers to the amount of work completed in a given period of time. By tracking progress and seeing how much work is being completed over time, teams can better understand their capabilities and plan their workloads accordingly. Hatica Dev Throughput dashboard helps understand delivery velocity, efficiency and more.

Dev Throughput dashboard

Video walkthrough

Apps powering this dashboard

  1. GIT/VCS
  2. Incident Management tools

Check out all apps supported by Hatica here

Available filters

  1. Date range picker
  2. Repo
  3. View by Teams (managed teams, custom teams) and individuals

Some reasons to use this dashboard

  • Early access to potential efficiency problems - It helps identify effort and time leaks and gives an opportunity to improvise them before a difficult situation arises.
  • Helps Improve processes - By helping finding patterns in processes, it provides an opportunity to optimise processes and allows team members put their best work forward.
  • Better resource allocation - Throughput helps to determine the amount of work that can be completed in a given time period, which in turn helps to allocate resources effectively.
  • Enhanced and Informed decision-making - By tracking this metric, you can make informed decisions that drive continuous improvement and help you meet your goals.
  • Identifying risky work-patterns - Shows work patterns of the teams and letting decision makers help their members become better at what they do!

Caution While Using This dashboard

  • Oversimplification - Focusing solely on throughput can lead to an oversimplification of the complex processes involved in software development. This can result in an incomplete understanding of performance and a failure to identify other key factors that impact development outcomes.
  • Misinterpretation - If not properly understood, throughput metrics can be misinterpreted, leading to incorrect conclusions and misguided decisions.
  • Incentivizing negative behaviors - If throughput becomes the primary focus, team members may be incentivised to prioritize speed over quality, leading to decreased productivity and increased errors.
  • Neglect of important factors - Focusing on throughput to the exclusion of other important factors, such as code quality or collaboration, can lead to an unbalanced approach to software development.
  • Over-reliance on metrics - Relying too heavily on throughput metrics can result in a lack of attention to other important indicators of performance, such as customer satisfaction and employee engagement.
  • Conscious while assessing performance - Throughput as a single source of truth also isn't good for that goal since it doesn’t refer to quality and complexity of tasks. That way, developers who complete a lot of small tasks and do it carelessly would have higher results than the ones who deliver the code of the highest quality and work with complex tasks.

Further reading

SPACE metrics, a holistic understanding of a developers productivity can help leaders and managers accurately understand both the productivity and well being of their engineers.

  1. Here's an introduction to SPACE developer productivity and how it can help engineering teams: /blog/space-developer-productivity)
  2. Here's an in-depth article on the various SPACE developer productivity metrics, their value, and how to use them: /blog/space-developer-productivity-metrics
  3. Here's a short guide on how engineering and well-being metrics can help you prevent engineer burnout: /blog/can-deep-work-solve-dev-burnout