Prs Created

PRs Created

Count of Pull requests created by each active contributor. For teams & individuals, this is an absolute count.


Computation of the metric

  1. Information regarding pull requests, such as creation date, status, and author, is gathered from connected version control systems like GitHub or GitLab.
  2. The the total count of pull requests created within the specified timeframe is calculated.

Dashboards where this metric is used

  1. Developer Summary
  2. Activity Log
  3. Dev Metric Grid
  4. Dev Throughput

Use cases of this metric

  1. Monitoring the number of pull requests created helps teams gauge their development speed and progress over time.
  2. Comparing pull request counts across teams or contributors offers insights into productivity levels.
  3. A higher count of pull requests created compared to those merged highlights that a substantial amount of work is in progress within the development pipeline. This disparity suggests that developers are actively initiating new tasks or changes, yet these contributions are still pending integration into the main codebase.