

A New Perspective on 
Engineering Productivity in 2025

A New Perspective on Engineering Productivity in 2025

Engineering teams have never been more resourced—bigger budgets, better tools—but are we truly delivering value? What if we’ve been measuring productivity all wrong? This blog offers a fresh perspective on measuring, monitoring, and mapping engineering productivity in 2025.

The Secret to Reducing 
Cycle Time Without Cutting Corners

The Secret to Reducing Cycle Time Without Cutting Corners

Think working faster will solve your cycle time problems? It won’t. The real fix is understanding where things slow down and why. This blog unpacks how to reduce cycle time without burning out your team or compromising quality.

Building a Distraction-Free Zone to Help Developers Stay in a State of Flow

Building a Distraction-Free Zone to Help Developers Stay in a State of Flow

The smallest interruptions can lead to the biggest disruptions. How can engineering leaders ensure their teams stay focused and productive? This blog provides in-depth insights into reducing these interruptions.

Manage Technical Debt Without Compromising on Engineering Velocity

Balancing Technical Debt with Feature Development Without Sacrificing Momentum

Think technical debt is just a minor inconvenience? Think again. It could be robbing your engineering team of its velocity without you even noticing. In this blog, we break down the shocking ways tech debt slows you down and what you can do to stay ahead.

Why Prioritizing Code Quality Can Accelerate Your Development Process

How Prioritizing Code Quality Can Accelerate Your Development Process?

What if we told you that a single line of bad code could cost your engineering team countless hours? Discover the steps to avoid this costly mistake in this blog

How Code Quality Impacts Developer Productivity

Is Code Complexity Dragging Down Your Engineering Team's Productivity? Here's How to Fix It?

Code complexity might be invisible, but its effects on developer productivity are not. This blog sheds light on how complex code can slow down developers and what you can do to mitigate this risk.

Building a Code Quality Culture: A Path to Reducing Technical Debt

Building a Code Quality Culture: A Path to Reducing Technical Debt

Technical debt can cripple development efforts. Learn how focusing on code quality can help reduce it and ensure smoother project progress in this blog. 

Who Owns Developer Productivity in an Engineering Organization?

Who Owns Developer Productivity in an Engineering Organization?

Developer productivity is a collaborative effort but often falters due to unclear ownership. Read this blog to clarify stakeholder roles in enhancing developer productivity within an engineering organization.

SPACE Framework

Applying SPACE Framework to Measure Developer Productivity

The SPACE framework offers a well-rounded approach to developer productivity and building healthy teams. In this blog, learn the right way to apply it to practice.

The Four Pillars of Engineering Productivity

Redefining Engineering Productivity with Hatica

What's the secret to unlocking the full potential of your engineering team? This blog redefines the approach and reveals the 4 fundamental pillars of engineering productivity.

How Tech Companies Measure Developer Productivity

How Do Top Tech Companies Measure Developer Productivity? 

Ever wonder how top engineering teams boost developer productivity? Well, now you have the answers! In this blog, you'll discover the strategies used by industry leaders like Google, LinkedIn, Microsoft, and Netflix to enhance their developers' performance.

The State of Flow in Engineering Teams

How to Leverage The State of Flow Within Engineering Teams?

Leveraging the state of Flow in engineering teams can boost focus, performance, and creativity. Read this blog to learn the practical tips for cultivating this state within your engineering team!

30-60-90 Day Plan For Engineering Managers

30-60-90 Day Plan For Engineering Managers

Here's a blueprint of a 30-60-90 day plan for engineering managers to kickstart their journey. This is a step-by-step guide for EM to understand goals, prioritize work, and set themselves up for success.

How bossware is killing developer productivity?

Bossware: The #7 Developer Productivity Killer 

Uncover the impact of bossware on developer productivity. Learn how to combat the silent killer, with strategies to ensure engineering success.

How poor code quality kills developer productivity

Low Quality Code: The #6 Developer Productivity Killer

Discover how low quality code silently erodes developer productivity. Learn best practices to supercharge code quality. Explore now!

Get C-suite Buy-in for Investing in DevEx

How To Get C-suite Buy-in for DevEx Investments

Secure green light for your developer experience (DevEx) strategy & initiatives. The secret is in quantifying & mapping engineering to the bottom line.

Impact of meetings on developer productivity

Unproductive Meetings: The #5 Developer Productivity Killer

Discover the impacts of unproductive meetings on developer productivity. Learn how to streamline meetings, and improve maker time with engineering analytics.

DevEx Framework to Improve Productivity & Engineering Effectiveness

DevEx Framework: A 3D Metric Approach to Developer Effectiveness

DevEx Framework: Read on our guide to know the 3 dimensions of the DevEx framework and how to measure the DevEx metrics.

What is Scope Creep and How to Prevent it in IT Projects

What is Scope Creep & How to Manage it?

Scope Creep: Know what scope creep is and understand how to devise an effective IT project plan to prevent scope creep in IT projects.

How to Deal with Tech Debt

How to Deal with Tech Debt in a Fast-Growing Engineering Organization?

Reduce your technical debt with effective communication, proactive remediation, and adherence to coding conventions & best practices.

Technical debt

What is Technical Debt and its Associated Cost Implications?

A deep dive into the multifaceted cost implications of technical debt, and how overlooking the tech debt can break your bank and sap your momentum.

8 Pre-commit Git hooks you must know for improved productivity

8 Pre-commit Git Hooks You Must Know for Improved Productivity

Enhance your Git workflow with Git Worktree. Simplify branch management, switch effortlessly, and optimize your development process.

Inefficient Developer Workflows killing productivity

Inefficient Developer Workflows: The #4 Productivity Killer

Know what developer workflow is and get tips on how to improve your developer workflow and maximize developer productivity.

Painful Code Reviews Killing Developer Productivity

Painful Code Reviews: The #3 Killer Of Developer Productivity

Stop Developer Productivity Drain with Streamlined Code Reviews. Discover expert tips on optimizing code review process, and boost collaboration.

7 Reasons for CTOs to Invest in Developer Experience

7 Reasons for CTOs to Invest in Developer Experience

7 Reasons CTOs Should Prioritize and Invest in Developer Experience (DevEx) – The Key to Efficient Development, innovations, and Happy Developers.

Context switching killing developer productivity

Context Switching: The #2 Killer of Developer Productivity

Discover the impact of context switching on developer productivity and team workflows. Know how it affects code quality & ways to improve it.

6 Must-Have Software Metrics for Engineering Managers

6 Must-Have Software Metrics for Engineering Managers

Learn the six must-have metrics every engineering manager tracks for engineering success. Identify potential issues, remove blockers, and elevate your team.

4 warning signs of failing sprint

How to Predict and Fix a Failing Sprint?

Sprint planning doesn't have to be a struggle. Know the 4 warning signs of ineffective sprints and how to fix them so your team can stay on track.

Less Effective Coding Hours Killing Developer Productivity

Less Effective Coding Hours: #1 Developer Productivity Killer

Discover why inefficient coding hours are detrimental to developer productivity. Learn how to optimize your coding practices for maximum efficiency.

3 Proven Ways to Improve Developer Experience

What is Developer Experience? 3 Proven Ways to Improve DX

Enhance developer experience in remote work with proven strategies. Reduce interruptions, optimize workflows, and boost engineering team satisfaction.

Developer Productivity

What is Developer Productivity and How to Improve it?

Learn what developer productivity is and its importance, and understand the metrics used to measure developer productivity to avoid dev burnout.

Engineering Manager Challenges

10 Engineering Manager Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Engineering Manager Challenges: Get to know about the top challenges faced by engineering managers and how to overcome them with our detailed guide.

Agile scrum for team management in 2023

Agile Scrum: Driving Efficiency in the Modern Workplace

Learn more about the basics of agile scrum, and how teams can use the methodology for continuous improvement and unleashing excellence at the workplace.

Developer Productivity Crisis

4 Reasons Behind Low Developer Productivity in Tech

The blog post talks about the reasons behind low developer productivity in tech, and ways to increase productivity through engineering analytics platforms.

Calculate Sprint Velocity for Agile Planning

What is Sprint Velocity and How to Calculate it?

Learn how to calculate sprint velocity and its advantages in Agile Team. Get tips on how to avoid pitfalls and common mistakes and enhance productivity.

Impact of SaaS sprawl on developer productivity

SaaS Sprawl: The #8 Developer Productivity Killer

Uncover how SaaS sprawl impacts developer productivity. Discover how to combat it with engineering analytics. Boost efficiency and reclaim valuable time.

A Manager’s Guide to Promoting Deep Work And Focus Time

Deep Work and Focus Time: A Manager’s Guide

Unlock Team Potential: Manager's Guide to Deep Work Strategies. Boost productivity with proven techniques for fostering focus time. Learn more!

Asynchronous work – a comprehensive guide

What is Asynchronous Work? When Should Teams Choose to Work Async?

Know what async work is, its benefits and how to work asynchronously. Here's a comprehensive guide to set you up for success at your remote workplace.

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